We’re working hard on our biographies and enjoying learning about the people we’ve chosen to study! If your child doesn’t have research, please help him/her get it. Biography.com is a great place to find information. This is an in-school project, so all the kids need to do at home is get information.
April 28 (Friday): Walk-a-thon all parents are invited to come watch and support your walkers/runners for this event. Please don't forget to have your student fill out their donation lap sheets for this upcoming event this Friday. Each student should have received forms and information from their teacher last week. We hope to see you there!
Upcoming events: Watch for more details to come.
May 5: Bowling field trip
May 12: Camp-a-thon (camping themed read-a-thon)
May 19: Dance Festival, Please have your student wear modest Beach or Hawaiian attire. No flip Flops. The dress code will still be enforced.
IXL is U.9 this week!