If your child is in Burton's, Hanson's or Yerkes' class, IXL will begin this week. The assigned skill is C.9. Your child has his/her login and password. Rasmussen's and Terry's classes will start IXL next week.
We are ready to begin our Book Bazaar book report. Your child should be reading a chapter book that will be reported on. The report is broken up into extremely manageable parts, with due dates beginning on October 6. The entire project will be due October 27. If you haven't purchased a tri-fold, it would be a good idea to get that soon.
We will be going on a field trip, to the play Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, on October 17th. If you have not made a voluntary 3rd-grade donation ($15), and would like to, it will be helpful to have it before the field trip.
If you would like to be a parent volunteer for our upcoming field trip you must have a background check. Please see the post from week 2 for more details on how to get your background check completed.
If your child is in Yerkes' class, they have the option of creating an art project that shows their visualization of a character and/or setting from our "mystery book". This is a completely optional project. Students who choose to do this project may bring it to school next Monday, for our class presentation.
The secret code phrase: You are toast!